Old West Romance · Saturday Spankings

#SatSpanks: Overpower and Subdue

It’s time for Saturday Spankings! Here’s my excerpt.

From The Submissive Suffragette

“Stop distracting us from our reading,” Nalin said. “We were just getting to ‘The Subjugation of Women’ by Mr. John Mill before you so rudely interrupted. Weren’t we, Anna?”

“Yes. She’s right, Mr. Barnes,” the girl confirmed, asserting her loyalty to his wife.

Still frowning, Nalin continued to boss him. “Anna made a pie. It’s on the counter. Why don’t you busy yourself with eating it and leave us to our book learning.” She straightened her back and sat down.

“Yes, ma’am!” Carter sauntered to the kitchen, then turned when he arrived at the counter. “Honey, what does ‘subjugation’ mean?”

Nalin let out an annoyed sigh. “It means to overpower and subdue. You should read occasionally. It’s a common word,” she informed him in a clipped, condescending tone.

Carter smirked. “I see. Thanks for explaining that to your ignorant husband, and in such a patient manner too.” He walked back to her.

In less time than it would have taken for her to read the essay’s opening sentence, Carter wrestled Nalin into a belly-down position on the sofa. He clasped her wrists together behind her back in one of his hands and held a fistful of her hair in his other.

“Just so as I understand, does it mean something like this?” Carter asked her, his voice as sweet as honey.


Sound interesting? Visit my Amazon Author PageThe Submissive Suffragette will be out this weekend and on sale!

Click here to read more excerpts from Saturday Spanking participants.

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