Old West Romance · Saturday Spankings

#SatSpanks: Prepare for a punishment

fetching-charlotte-rose-winnerGood morning! I’m here to share something from my book Fetching Charlotte Rose, which won “Best Sweet Spanking Romance” in the 2016 Spanking Romance Reviewers Reader’s Poll. Thank you to those of you who voted for me and my books! I also claimed the title of “Best New Spanking Romance Author,” and Claimed by the Mountain Man and Emma’s Surrender got runner-up spots for “Best Historical Western” and “Best Cover,” respectively!

Fetching Charlotte Rose is available on KU, as is His Little Red Lily, which takes place in the same town and has crossover characters.

Fetching is indeed a sweet book. That’s an accurate description, but it’s not without some heat. There’s no fading to black with the sex scenes, and the fact that Max is kind does not make him any less stern. As one reviewer said, “The hero had a strong sense of duty and helped a lot of people, but he was also gruff and strict. Boy could he dish out the domestic discipline.” You’ll see what she means in this excerpt. Enjoy!

“How did it make you feel, keeping those big secrets from me, Charlotte?”

A tear slid down her face. “I felt lonely and scared.”

“Right. If you’d told me, you wouldn’t have felt either. You would’ve had my full support and protection. Instead, your stubborn pride caused you to lie and carry the burden yourself. Worse, it allowed you to compromise your safety. What do you think I should do about that, as the man responsible for your safety?”

Charlotte looked down and stirred the eggs on her plate, her cheeks growing warm. She understood that he expected her to say he should punish her, and she felt embarrassed. She thought she would be spanked, but she didn’t think she’d have to be amenable to it. This was part of it, she realized. Max was forcing her to let go of some of her pride even before punishment.

“I suppose you should punish me,” she said with a giant sigh.

“I think I should too.” Max stood. He cupped Charlotte’s chin with his hand and tilted it up. He had a determined, set look on his face that was very stern. She recognized that expression. It was the same look he wore when he ordered her over his lap the last time. It made her feel calm, in a way. His resolve allowed her to obey without feeling the need to argue, since she knew it would be useless to do so anyway.

“This will be a real punishment, Charlotte, not a few smacks. I told you I wouldn’t be lenient if I had to spank you again for safety reasons, and I don’t intend to be. Finish your breakfast, then join me on the sofa.”

Read more about Fetching Charlotte Rose, including the first chapter.

Buy Links
Fetching Charlotte Rose

Thanks a bunch for stopping by. Hope you have a great weekend. Click here to read spanking excerpts from other authors.

5 thoughts on “#SatSpanks: Prepare for a punishment

  1. What a hot scene! Then there’s this:

    “Max was forcing her to let go of some of her pride even before punishment.”

    Once again you summarize a compelling, complex dynamic in a single sentence. So, so well done.

    Congratulations on your well-deserved awards & nominations.


  2. Hi! I’m filling in for Kathryn as host of SatSpanks! I wonder what Charlotte will think of her first punishment spanking. My guess is she’ll never keep any secrets again.


  3. Congratulation on your awards, you are a wonderful writer!

    But poor Charlotte, I don’t think she’s going to want any more eggs right now. Talk about an appetite killer.


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