Old West Romance · Saturday Spankings

#SatSpanks: She felt the ribbon of her drawers loosen…

Time for Saturdays Spankings! I love the heart paddles in the new SatSpanks pic. So cute!

Anyway, today I’m sharing from my recently released book Fetching Charlotte Rose from Stormy Night Publications. This is my first book to be an Amazon #1 bestseller in historical erotica and erotic westerns. Hopefully it’s not my last!

The following excerpt begins in the middle of a punishment. Poor Charlotte.

She yelped at a particularly hard smack and suddenly felt angry. She hadn’t known it would hurt so much, or she never would have said she deserved it. “Stop, Max! I insist that you stop this right now.”

Max stopped abruptly, and she breathed a sigh of relief. Her relief was quickly replaced by dismay when she felt the ribbon of her drawers loosen and a breeze of cool air brush her bare bottom and thighs as he slid the material to her ankles. She froze as he bared her. The confusion over how she felt rendered her speechless. She had never been exposed in such a way to a man, and she felt both aroused and embarrassed. Tears welled up in her eyes as his hand cracked down with renewed vigor.

Buy Fetching Charlotte Rose:


Fetching Charlotte Rose
If you’d like to read more about this book, including the entire first chapter, please click here to go to that portion of my blog.
Promo by the talented Sara Fields.
Thanks for stopping by. I hope everyone has a happy Valentine’s Day!

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10 thoughts on “#SatSpanks: She felt the ribbon of her drawers loosen…

  1. Your post title made me smile. I have a hero who had magical talents and I recall him lifting a lady’s skirt without touching her and merely smiling when she struggled to keep slapping it down and yelling at him to stop it. It seems to me that Max doesn’t like being told when to stop a punishment, and he intends to make that clear to Charlotte. Great snippet, Amelia.


  2. “She hadn’t known it would hurt so much, or she never would have said she deserved it.” Love that line. Oh, so brave before the first searing swat, ah? lol! Great snippet! This is on my TBR. 🙂


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